The Jan-Dec 2008 issue of MSM is a theme issue on Medicine, Mental Health, Science, Religion and Well-being.
C. Robert Cloninger, M.D. Wallace Renard Professor of Psychiatry, Genetics, and Psychology; Director, Sansone Center for Well-Being, writes an editorial, ‘On Well-Being: Current Research Trends and Future Directions’ [p3–9].
K.W.M. Fulford, DPhil, FRCP, FRCPsych. Professor of Philosophy and Mental Health, University of Warwick and Member of the Philosophy Faculty, University of Oxford, writes another editorial, ‘Values-Based Practice: A New Partner To Evidence-Based Practice And A First For Psychiatry?’ [p10–21].
Peter Q. Eichacker M.D. and Charles Natanson M.D. from the Critical Care Medicine Department, Clinical Center, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD 20892, USA write the third editorial, ‘Medical guidelines and performance measures: The need to keep them free of industry influence’ [p22–28].
Medical Education
Frank Davidoff, M.D., Editor Emeritus, Annals of Internal Medicine; Executive Editor for the Institute for Healthcare Improvement, USA, writes on, ‘Focus on Performance: The 21st Century Revolution in Medical Education’ [p29–40].
The Looking Glass
Sander L. Gilman, Ph.D., distinguished professor of the Liberal Arts and Sciences at Emory University, writes on,.Are Jews smarter than everyone else? [p41–47].
Mental Health, Spirituality, Mind
George E. Vaillant, M.D. Professor of Psychiatry, Harvard Medical School, USA, writes on, ‘Positive emotions, spirituality and the practice of psychiatry’ [p48–62].
E. Mohandas, M.D. Chief Consultant Psychiatrist, Elite Mission Hospital, Kerala, India, writes on, ‘Neurobiology of spirituality’ [p63–80].
Ajai R. Singh, M.D. writes on,.Covert Treatment In Psychiatry: ‘Do No Harm, True, But Also Dare To Care’. [p81–109].
William Hirstein, PhD., Chair of the Philosophy Department at Elmhurst College, in Elmhurst, Illinois, writes on,.‘Mindmelding: Connected Brains and the Problem of Consciousness’. [p110–130].
L. Eugene Arnold, M.Ed, M.D., Professor Emeritus of Psychiatry at Ohio State University, formerly director of the division of child and adolescent psychiatry and vice-chair of psychiatry, writes in Musings, ‘What child and adolescent psychiatry means to me’ [p131–134].
Jayant V. Narlikar, Founder Director, Inter-University Centre for Astronomy and Astrophysics (IUCAA), Past-President, Cosmology Commission of the International Astronomical Union, Astrophysicist and Science populariser, India, writes for Reflections, ‘Scientific research: What it means to me’ [p135–145].
Ethical Issues in Biomedicine
Leemon McHenry, Ph.D., Lecturer in Philosophy, California State University, Northridge, USA, writes on, ‘Biomedical research and corporate interests: A question of academic freedom’ [p146–156].
Murali Poduval M.S., from the Department of Orthopedics, Seth G.S. Medical College and The KEM Group of Hospitals, Mumbai, India, and Jayita Poduval, M.S., ENT Surgeon, Thane district, Maharashtra, India, write on, ‘Medicine as a Corporate Enterprise: A Welcome Step?’ [p157–174].
Poverty And Human Development
Glenn D. Reeder, PhD, and John B. Pryor, Ph.D., from the Illinois State University, USA, write on, ‘Dual psychological processes underlying public stigma and the implications for reducing stigma’ [p175–186].
Ajai R. Singh, M.D. and Shakuntala A. Singh, PhD., Editor and Deputy Editor respectively, MSM, write on, ‘Diseases of Poverty And Lifestyle, Well-being And Human Development’ [p187–225].
John Hoey, M.D., internist and public health physician, earlier editor of CMAJ (1996 to 2006), currently on the faculty at Queen.s University, Canada, involved in developing public health resources and teaching, writes on,.‘Editorial Independence In The Electronic Age: New Threats, Old Owners?’ [p226–236].
Harvey Marcovitch, M.D., earlier editor of Archives of Disease in Childhood (1994–2002), currently syndication editor for the BMJ Publishing Group and Associate Editor of the BMJ, and chairman of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), writes in The Looking Glass on,.‘What medical journal editing means to me’ [p237–243].
David Healy, M.D., Professor of Psychiatry in Cardiff University, writes on, ‘Our Censored Journals’ [p244–256].
Elise Langdon-Neuner, Ph.D., Editor-In-Chief of The Write Stuff, journal of the European Medical Writers Association, Austria, writes on .Medical Ghostwriting [p257–273].
MSM Book Review
Ajit V. Bhide, M.D., from the departments of psychiatry and family medicine at St. Martha’s Hospital, Bangalore, writes a MSM Book Review of, ‘Oxford Textbook Of Philosophy And Psychiatry’ (by K.W.M. Fulford, T. Thornton, and G. Graham, Oxford University Press, New York, 2006. Indian edition, OUP New Delhi, 2007) [p274–276].
MSM Poems
Kristina Brenner, currently finishing a Masters of Public Health degree, writes for MSM Poems, ‘Haiku: Philosophy, metaphysics’, and, ‘The Body of Science’ [p277–279].
Readers Respond
N. N. Wig, Prof. Emeritus Psychiatry, PGIMER, Chandigarh, India, responds [p280].
This issue of MSM is dedicated to the fond memory of Prof N.S. Vahia. See Dedication by the Editor [pxii–xiv].
Daniel Raveh, Ph.D., lecturer, Department of Philosophy, Tel-Aviv University who studied under and worked with Prof. Daya Krishna for the last decade writes an obituary, ‘Prof Daya Krishna (1913–2007)’ [p281–284].
Honorary International Advisory Editorial Board Members
Read about the board members in short [p1-2] and their bios [p285–292].
Call for Papers
See Call for Papers MSM 2009 on Women’s Issues [pxv] and MSM 2010 on Psychopharmacology Today [pxvii]