Mens Sana Monographs 

A Monongraph Series Devoted To The Understanding of Medicine, Mental Health, Mind , Man And Their Maxtrix 

Sorrow Is Integral To Existence, And Yet

Citation : Singh AR (2023) Sorrow Is Integral To Existence, And Yet.In :Ghalib, Psychology and Human Behaviour - 1 (A.R Singh and S.A Singh Eds), Mens Sana Monogr; 14-15

قید حیات و بند غم اصل میں دونوں ایک ہیں

موت سے پہلے آدمی غم سے نجات پاے کیوں


क़ैद-ए-हयात ओ बंद-ए-ग़म अस्ल में दोनों एक हैं

मौत से पहले आदमी ग़म से निजात पाए क्यूँ


qaid-e-hayaat o band-e-gham asl me.n dono.n ek hai.n

maut se pahle aadmii gham se nijaat paa.e kyuu.n

(DG 116:5:711)


The prison of existence and the bondage of sorrow are actually the same.
There is no respite from sorrow till death intervenes.


Just look around and see. There is no one in this world who enjoys unalloyed happiness. The most joyous, the most detached, the most popular, the most wealthy – each one carries a burden of some sorrow or the other.
In effect, the very fact that one exists carries the fundamental risk that one has sorrow. It’s integral to human existence. So. what does one do?
One accepts that sorrow is inevitable, but having accepted it, develops the resilience to minimise it. Both in oneself and in others.
The wise convert the conquest of their sorrow into the conquest of sorrow all over.

That is fundamentally at the root of all healing, whether by medicine, prayer, spirituality, governance, or plain and simple one-to-one care for those who need it.