Citation : Singh AR (2023) On Sitting Unabashedly, As Gestures Kept Getting Exchanged.In :Ghalib, Psychology and Human Behaviour - 1 (A.R Singh and S.A Singh Eds), Mens Sana Monogr; 16-17
اس بزم میں مجھے نہیں بنتی حیا کیrrrے
بیٹھا رہا اگرچہ اشارے ہوا کیے
उस बज़्म में मुझे नहीं बनती हया किए
बैठा रहा अगरचे इशारे हुआ किए
us bazm me.n mujhe nahii.n bantii hayaa kiye
baiThaa rahaa agarche ishaare hu.aa kiye
(DG 152:1:913)
I couldn’t remain bashful in that assembly
I continued to sit even as gestures
kept getting exchanged.
Imagine an assembly where a courtesan/tease is exchanging coquettish gestures with a number of suitors/clients. Ghalib is watching it all and feeling coy/disgusted at the goings on and wants to leave the assembly. But he sheds his coyness and continues to sit and observe the goings on. Although, his sitting there makes no difference to the flirtatious gesturing that continues.
Ghalib is trying to describe the flippant/shallow nature of the courtesan/beloved, who continues to unashamedly make gestures to her numerous clients/suitors. Ghalib realises from this how exploitative and manipulative are such situations and continues to sit there to make that realisation firm.
Beware the snares of a bewitching tease who plays around with numerous suitors at the same time.
Give up your sense of coyness and see the reality so you get out of such an enticing snare as soon as possible.