Citation : Singh AR (2023) Ghalib Complimenting Mir, And Cutting Himself To Size.In :Ghalib, Psychology and Human Behaviour - 1 (A.R Singh and S.A Singh Eds), Mens Sana Monogr; 52-53
ریختے کے تمہیں استاد نہیں ہو غالبؔ
کہتے ہیں اگلے زمانے میں کوئی میرؔ بھی تھا
रेख़्ते के तुम्हीं उस्ताद नहीं हो ‘ग़ालिब’
कहते हैं अगले ज़माने में कोई ‘मीर’ भी था
reKHte ke tumhii.n ustaad nahii.n ho ‘Ghaalib’
kahte hai.n agle zamaane me.n ko.ii ‘Miir’ bhii thaa
(DG 37:11:242)
You are not the only master of rekhta
(rekhta: old name of Urdu, esp the Urdu ghazal)
It’s said there was a certain ‘Mir’ In times gone bye.
Ghalib recognises the genius of Mir Taqi Mir’ in this sher. While he was known to poke fun at those he considered lesser poets, Ghalib equally well recognised the genius to those he considered great. So he tells his own self here, Do not think you alone are the master of Urdu. Before you there already has been a master called ‘Mir’. While recognising the genius of the great poet Mir, he also doesn’t fail to puncture his own ego. Both qualities that are the hallmark of greatness.
One genius recognises another. And a genius never fails to cut himself to size.