Mens Sana Monographs 

A Monongraph Series Devoted To The Understanding of Medicine, Mental Health, Mind , Man And Their Maxtrix 


MSM poems

Silences IndeedSilences Allow whispers to Travel long distances.AndWhispers Make silences Come to life.AndAndIs a Whisper Between Two silences. Go to: Parliament Yesterday the crows gathered on our terrace for a meeting.There were at least five hundred of them if not more.And as they caw-cawed and moved about animatedly and argued and jostled and changed sides […]

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Call for poems in MSM Poems Section on Medicine, Health and Human Behaviour

We begin a Mens Sana Monographs Poems Section from this issue. Interested poets may send their work for consideration. They may be in verse, but preferably in blank verse. A fourline write up on the poet with a photograph must accompany every submission. You may submit not more than three poems at one time. While

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Medicine As a Corporate Enterprise, Patient Welfare Centered Profession, or Patient Welfare Centered Professional Enterprise?

Abstract There is an alarming trend in the field of medicine, whose portents are ominous but do not seem to shake the complacency and merry making doing the rounds. The wants of the medical man have multiplied beyond imagination. The cost of organizing conferences is no longer possible on delegate fees. The bottom-line is: Crores

Medicine As a Corporate Enterprise, Patient Welfare Centered Profession, or Patient Welfare Centered Professional Enterprise? Read More »

Emphasising Prevention, Developing Therapies, Complementing Approaches

Innovation in medicine is keeping in step with aggressive marketing of health services. The patient-consumer has at his disposal a vast array of therapeutic facilities, all attractively packaged, and convincingly portrayed. The physician too has to keep abreast of a sea of fresh information bombarding him from numerous quarters, some genuine, some not so genuine.

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Junkets and Trinkets

During the brief interregnum of a recent medical conference, we sat by the side of a pool. It was dusk. And just before the entertainments for the evening were to begin with cocktails and dinner, we were chatting about conferences and sponsorship. The arrangements were, to say the least, lavish. And docs from all over

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Prof. N.N. Wig : A Larger than Life Persona who Makes People Feel Immediately at Ease

Dr. Ravinder Kala Prof N.N. Wig is a handsome man with a warm smile. He makes people feel immediately at ease. My first meeting with Prof. Wig was in his office at Psychiatry Department, Post Graduate Institute (PGI), Chandigarh, in May 1973. My friend Anuradha and I were posted at Psychiatry Department, PGI for four

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Prof. N.N. Wig : Pioneer, Conscientious Researcher, and a Multi-faceted Personality

Dr. Anirudh Kala I met Prof. Wig for the first time on 1st January 1970. That was the day I joined the Department of Psychiatry at the Post Graduate Institute of Medical Education and Research, Chandigarh, as a junior resident. That was also the day I received a piece of very unusual advice. When, like any

Prof. N.N. Wig : Pioneer, Conscientious Researcher, and a Multi-faceted Personality Read More »

Foreword: Medicine As a Corporate Enterprise, Patient Welfare Centered Profession, Or Patient Welfare Centered Professional Enterprise?

Medicine today is at the crossroads. There is as great an influence of new knowledge as of sponsors. On the one hand the latter ensure the faster output of new knowledge, on the other they try to skew its growth in their favour. Moreover, industry influence has come under the scanner of patients, activists and

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