Dr. Narendra Wig is amongst the foremost psychiatrists of India. He had his medical education at Medical College, Lucknow, where he obtained his degrees of MBBS and MD (Medicine). He also holds a double diploma in Psychological Medicine – one from England and another from Scotland. He is a fellow of India’s prestigious National Academy of Medical Science. In 1991, the Royal College of Psychiatrists, London, honoured him with the highest award of the Honorary Fellowship of the College. Prof. Wig is the only psychiatrist from India to be thus honoured. In 1997, Dr. Wig was designated as Professor Emeritus, Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education and Research, Chandigarh.
Dr. Wig started the Department of Psychiatry at the Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education and Research, Chandigarh in 1963 and was its Professor and Head from 1968. In a few years, this became one of the leading centers of psychiatry in India. In 1976, the department got international recognition as WHO Collaborating Centre for training and research in mental health. Among his various research studies, Prof. Wig will be particularly remembered for his work in Community Mental Health in the villages of Raipur Rani Block in Haryana, which became a model of Primary Mental health Care Programme in India and in many other countries.
In 1980, Prof. Wig moved to the All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi, as Professor and Head of the Department. In 1984, he joined World Health Organisation as the Regional Advisor Mental Health and remained at Alexandria, Egypt, till 1990. In this capacity, he was responsible for developing mental health programmes in 22 countries, from Pakistan to Morocco in the Middle East and North Africa.
Dr. Wig is a leading figure in International Psychiatry. He has published over 300 scientific papers in different journals and books. He is currently a member of the WHO Advisory panel on Mental Health. For the last ten years, he is on the Steering Committee of the World Psychiatric Association’s International Programme to reduce stigma and discrimination due to mental illness.
Dr. Wig has won many national and international awards. In October 2000, on his 70th birthday, a book Mental Health in India 1950 – 2000 was published in his honour in which many leading national and international mental health experts contributed. In April 2003, Bombay Psychiatric Society honoured him with a Life Time Achievement Award. In September 2004, Fountain House, Psychiatric Centre at Lahore, Pakistan, named a newly constructed building as Prof. N.N. Wig Unit, in recognition of his services to the development of mental health in the countries of South Asia.
Dr. Wig has travelled widely to many parts of the world. After his retirement he has settled in Panchkula. He is happily married and has two sons. He continues to be active in clinical service, teaching and voluntary social service activities. He is closely associated with the work of Servants of the People Society, Lajpat Rai Bhawan, Chandigarh, where he conducts free mental health clinic twice a week and also organizes regular lectures and discussion groups on mental health for the general public.
Prof. Wig has recently joined the Honorary International Advisory Board of Mens Sana Monographs. We most heartily welcome him on the Board.