Mens Sana Monographs 

A Monongraph Series Devoted To The Understanding of Medicine, Mental Health, Mind , Man And Their Maxtrix 

Call for Papers for MSM 2012 Theme Monograph

Mind, Consciousness and the Brain: Contributions from Indian Thought

Following closely upon the heels of the MSM 2011 Theme Monograph titled, ’Brain, Mind and Consciousness: An Interdisciplinary International Perspective, is this Call For Papers for another Theme Monograph in 2012 which seeks to present the views of Classical and contemporary Indian thinkers on the topics of Mind, Consciousness and Brain. Interested scholars and researchers may choose topics from the list below:


  1. Concept of Mind and Consciousness in the Indian Philosophies: An Overview
  2. Relevance of Indian Concept of Mind and Consciousness to World Philosophy
  3. Analytical study of the concept of Mind in the Indian Philosophies
  4. Comparative study of Mind in Indian and Western thought
  5. Mind in the different darśanas
  6. Mind in the Upanisads
  7. Is Indian Thought on Mind and Consciousness Relevant Today?
  8. Jaina concept of Mind and Consciousness
  9. Mind and Consciousness in Carvāka thought
  10. Nyāya concept of Mind and Consciousness
  11. Mind and Consciousness according to Sri Aurobindo
  12. Mind and Consciousness for Rabindranath Tagore
  13. Phenomenal reality (prāñibhāsika-sattā), empirical reality (vyāvahārika-sattā), and absolute reality (pāramārthika-sattā)
  14. Vedānta, Mind and Consciousness
  15. Transcendental consciousness as “one only without a second” (ekameva advitīyam).
  16. Advaitic concept of mind and consciousness
  17. Buddhist concept of mind and consciousness
  18. Samkhya concept of mind and consciousness
  19. Mind and Consciousness for Swami Vivekananda
  20. Mind, Consciousness and Sri Krishnamurti
  21. Gandhi on Man, God and Consciousness
  22. Modern Indian Thinkers on Mind and Consciousness
  23. K.C. Bhattacharya and S. Radhakrishnan on Mind and Consciousness
  24. Mind and Consciousness in Indian Thought of the last two decades 1990-2010.
  25. Mind for Acharya Rajneesh
  26. The Future of Indian Thought on mind and consciousness
  27. Mind and Consciousness in the Brahma-sūtra of Bādarāyana
  28. The state of Sthitapragña
  29. Mind and Self in Indian thought
  30. Prājña of the deep-sleep state, Taijasa of the dream state, Viśva of the waking state
  31. Self above matter
  32. Tajjalān and kalpita
  33. Brahman and Ātman
  34. Ego (aham) and cidābhāsa, i.e. consciousness reflected in the internal organ
  35. Mind not identifiable with Self according to Indian thought
  36. Gaudapāda’s declaration, “upadeśād-ayam vādah and “jñāte dvaitam na vidyate”
  37. Brahman/Ātman neither immanent nor transcendent
  38. Brahman/Ātman both immanent and transcendent
  39. Empirical-relational objects with class feature (jāti), quality (guna), action (kriyā), or relation (sambandha), and signified by a conventional word (rūdhi)
  40. The knower (pramātā), and the Self
  41. Negative scriptural concepts like “neti neti”
  42. Secular and sacred śabda
  43. Ultimate reality trans-empirical and trans-relational
  44. Antahkarana as internal sense organ
  45. The concept of manas
  46. Jiva, manas and ātman
  47. Vasanā, vairāgya and manas
  48. The state of sat-cit-ānanda
  49. Knower (jñātā), “I” (aham) and “this” (idam).
  50. Witness-consciousness (sāksi-caitanya),
  51. Pramāna and apramāna
  52. Distinguishing valid cognition (pramā) from erroneous cognition (ābhāsajñ āna)
  53. Consciousness, as self-established (svatassiddha) and self-luminous and the transcendental a priori
  54. Upanisadic theory of three worlds
  55. Human being as material (jada) excepting the Self or Consciousness
  56. Mind a sentient entity carrying the reflection (pratibimba) or semblance (ābhāsa) of Consciousness
  57. The five organs of perception, the five organs of action [karmendriyas], the five vital breaths [pranas]
  58. The mind [manas], intellect [buddhi], egoity [ahamkāra] and the mind-stuff [citta]
  59. Waking experience (jāgrat), the world of dream experience (svapna), and the world of deep sleep experience (susupti)
  60. Upanisadic tradition and the Fourth (caturtha) beyond the three worlds in 59 above.
  61. Consciousness (cit) and experience (anubhava)
  62. Viśva, Taijasa and Prājña
  63. Triple Stream of Experience (avasthā-traya)
  64. “I” as knower (jñātā), as doer (kartā), as experiencer (bhoktā)
  65. Jiva and its kośas
  66. The Kośas: Annamaya [sheath of food and matter], pranamaya [sheath of vital breath], manomaya [mental sheath], vijñānamaya [intellectual sheath] and ānandamaya [the sheath of bliss], and what do they signify in understanding the Self
  67. Mind empowered with cognition of other objects, sense of “I” and “mine ”, and also self-conscious when need arises
  68. Self-conscious mind and jīva
  69. Self or foundational Consciousness
  70. Self and the Mind
  71. Śaïkara and jñāna-karma-adhikāra
  72. Consciousness as support (adhisthāna) of objects of the entire world
  73. Advaita Vedānta characterised as transcendental phenomenology and metaphysics of experience
  74. Advaita as both pluralistic and monistic
  75. Citta and samskāras
  76. Buddhi, ahamkāra and citta
  77. Patanjali Yoga and the eight fold path
  78. Buddha’s four noble truths and eight fold path
  79. Citta-vrtti-nirodha: how does it relate to the concept of Mind in Indian thought
  80. Citta and vritts
  81. Ahamkāra [or egoism] and the Mind
  82. The state of mindlessness
  83. The state of moksa
  84. Kaivalya, Nirvana, Apavarga, Nihśreyasa
  85. The concept of liberation in the Indian philosophies
  86. Ātman and the Mind
  87. Configuration (avasthā), place (deśa), time (kāla), and qualities (guna)
  88. The concept of brain in Indian thought
  89. Ayurveda, mind and brain
  90. Body represented by the brain, mind represented by vijñāna and ātman represented by the life principle as making for the complete man
  91. The state of savikalpaka and nirvikalpaka samādhi
  92. The Gunas – Sattva, rajas, tamas – and the self
  93. Advaita as affirming monism without denying pluralism
  94. Naiskarmya-siddhi of Sureśvara.
  95. Buddhi or cognition
  96. The concept of Citta
  97. The concept of drsti
  98. The Indriyas, Karmendriyas, and Jñānendriyas
  99. Jñāna or knowledge
  100. Smrti or memory
  101. Absolute Consciousness or turīya
  102. Mind as an internal organ of sense
  103. Mind as self
  104. Mind as not the self
  105. Mind as minute and subtle
  106. Mind as instrument of knowledge
  107. Mind as instrument of the soul
  108. Self-cognition of Mind
  109. Mind as cause
  110. Mind and dream experience
  111. Mind as reduced to a machine
  112. Sense organs and mind contact
  113. Vrtti or mental mode
  114. Self or Ātman or Soul
  115. Self as pure consciousness
  116. Vijñāna or discrimination
  117. Prajñā or intelligence
  118. Sannikarsa, or relation between mind, sense-organ and the object
  119. Samkalpa or power of conception

[*Kindly see to it that Sanskrit words are italicized and with proper diacritical marks in your paper.]

Authors must convey their topics selected from the above by 15th April 2011. They maybe more than one topic for one paper, but not more than three. Please check topic availability with the Editor. For topics different from the above, contact Editor. Full paper for potential publication should reach the Editor in Microsoft Word format by 15th July 2011.

  • All papers will be submitted for peer review and a decision of acceptance or otherwise will be conveyed to the authors by 15thOctober 2011, or one month of receipt, whichever is later.
  • Authors may contact the Editor, Mens Sana Monographs, for further details and clarification. Email:(
  • Please check style requirements from recent issue of MSM, or at