Mens Sana Monographs 

A Monongraph Series Devoted To The Understanding of Medicine, Mental Health, Mind , Man And Their Maxtrix 

Thomas L. Schwartz

Neural Implications of Psychotherapy, Pharmacotherapy, and Combined Treatment in Major Depressive Disorder

Abstract Numerous clinical trials have been conducted to determine the utility of antidepressant treatment (ADT), psychotherapy, and combined psycho-pharmaco-psychotherapy (PPPT) in treating major depressive disorder (MDD). While all approaches have shown benefit over placebo to varying degrees, the parallel neurophysiological mechanisms that underlie their efficacy have received little attention. The authors will review and discuss […]

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Psychopharmacological Practice: The DSM Versus The Brain

Abstract In 1952, the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) system of creating, validating, studying and employing a diagnostic system in clinical psychiatric practice was introduced. There have been several updates and revisions to this manual and, regardless of its a theoretical framework, it actually does have a framework and presupposition. Essentially the

Psychopharmacological Practice: The DSM Versus The Brain Read More »

Psychopharmacology Today: Where are We and Where Do We Go From Here?

Abstract Since the 1950s we have had the same three neurotransmitters to work with to treat depression, one transmitter for psychoses, three for anxiety. We have developed newer drugs that are more tolerable, but we have not developed drugs that are better in efficacy. The last 50-60 years should be considered the decades that allowed

Psychopharmacology Today: Where are We and Where Do We Go From Here? Read More »