Mens Sana Monographs 

A Monongraph Series Devoted To The Understanding of Medicine, Mental Health, Mind , Man And Their Maxtrix 

William Hirstein

Conscious States: Where Are They In The Brain And What Are Their Necessary Ingredients?

Abstract One of the final obstacles to understanding consciousness in physical terms concerns the question of whether conscious states can exist in posterior regions of the brain without active connections to the brain’s prefrontal lobes. If they can, difficult issues concerning our knowledge of our conscious states can be resolved. This paper contains a list […]

Conscious States: Where Are They In The Brain And What Are Their Necessary Ingredients? Read More »

The Contribution of Prefrontal Executive Processes to Creating a Sense of Self

Abstract According to several current theories, executive processes help achieve various mental actions such as remembering, planning and decision-making, by executing cognitive operations on representations held in consciousness. I plan to argue that these executive processes are partly responsible for our sense of self, because of the way they produce the impression of an active,

The Contribution of Prefrontal Executive Processes to Creating a Sense of Self Read More »

Mindmelding: Connected Brains and the Problem of Consciousness

Abstract Contrary to the widely-held view that our conscious states are necessarily private (in that only one person can ever experience them directly), in this paper I argue that it is possible for a person to directly experience the conscious states of another. This possibility removes an obstacle to thinking of conscious states as physical,

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