Mens Sana Monographs 

A Monongraph Series Devoted To The Understanding of Medicine, Mental Health, Mind , Man And Their Maxtrix 

Ghalib Cutting Himself To Size, And Others Too In The Process

Citation : Singh AR (2023) Ghalib Cutting Himself To Size, And Others Too In The Process.In :Ghalib, Psychology and Human Behaviour - 1 (A.R Singh and S.A Singh Eds), Mens Sana Monogr; 48-49

ہوگا کوئی ایسا بھی کہ غالبؔ کو نہ جانے

شاعر تو وہ اچھا ہے پہ بدنام بہت ہے


होगा कोई ऐसा भी कि ‘ग़ालिब’ को न जाने

शाइर तो वो अच्छा है प बदनाम बहुत है


hogaa ko.ii aisaa bhii ki ‘Ghaalib’ ko na jaane to vo achchhaa hai pa badnaam bahut hai

(DG 233,9:1429)


Is there someone who doesn’t know “Ghalib’?
He maybe a good poet, but he is just too infamous.

Ghalib talks of the popularity that he enjoyed in his times. But cuts himself to size immediately by saying that he may have been a good poet, but he was just too infamous.
It’s a fine way to poke fun at oneself, and deflate one’s ego. Something that most others, including ‘yours truly’, need to emulate.
But equally, he was hinting at a universal phenomenon. Whenever someone tries to point out another’s good qualities, there are others who will jump in with description of her/his bad ones and put her/him down.
Starting with statements like, You maybe right, but what about …..?” a whole big list of faults are catalogued.

If you are one such, hope you get the message.
1) So, let’s learn to cut ourselves to size more often. It’s very heathy for the ego.
2) Equally, it’s better we cut others to size less often. That’s equally very healthy for the ego.