Mens Sana Monographs 

A Monongraph Series Devoted To The Understanding of Medicine, Mental Health, Mind , Man And Their Maxtrix 

Prayer, Piety And Temperament

Citation : Singh AR (2023) Prayer, Piety And Temperament.In :Ghalib, Psychology and Human Behaviour - 1 (A.R Singh and S.A Singh Eds), Mens Sana Monogr; 26-27

جانتا ہوں ثواب طاعت و زہد

پر طبیعت ادھر نہیں آتی


जानता हूँ सवाब-ए-ताअत-ओ-ज़ोहद

पर तबीअत इधर नहीं आती


jaantaa huu.n

par idhar nahii.n aatii

(DG 162:4:979)


I know the benefits of prayer and piety
But I am not favourably inclined towards them.


On the one hand, Mirza Ghalib is pointing at his disinclination towards ritualistic religion. On the other hand, he is pointing out a common failing in all of us. We know the rewards that a prayerful and pious life promises. But, temperamentally, we find ourselves unsuited for it.

This is a universal phenomenon. We know the benefits of exercise, but will not do it. We know the benefits of yoga, but will find excuses. We know the benefits of punctuality. but will not keep to it. We know the benefit of… I can go on and on.

There is something within us that prevents us from doing that which we know to be right but we somehow ignore. If a person could master this, he would master himself, and master the world as well.

That’s the difference between the greats and others. In describing this failing of his, the poet is pointing out a common failing in most of us.