Mens Sana Monographs 

A Monongraph Series Devoted To The Understanding of Medicine, Mental Health, Mind , Man And Their Maxtrix 

Preface BPS Presidential Addresses

MSM 2015 is titled BPS Presidential Addresses. It is dedicated to the Bombay Psychiatric Society, in short, BPS (, which completes 50 years, 2015 being its Golden Jubilee year. The city of Mumbai has been privileged to have some of the best brains and the finest of persons as Presidents of the Bombay Psychiatric Society. This is a revised, updated, edited and peer reviewed compilation of their speeches on taking over as Presidents.

A collection of Presidential speeches is not just a historical document. It can offer useful insights into the way leaders of an organization think and view the present and the future, as also connect it with the past of their organization, and also the branch to which it belongs. It is also a repository of the collective cerebral pool of the torch-bearers of such an organization. A perusal of this compilation will make this amply clear.

A word on the topics would be appropriate here. They cover a comprehensive sweep related to psychiatry and mental health. They range from post graduate training in psychiatry to child psychiatry; Indian psychiatry to Bombay Psychiatry; forensic psychiatry to womanhood; doctor-patient relationship to elderly mental health; psychiatry in ancient India to its connection with Jaina religion; going down memory lane to exploration of the mind; support systems for MHPs to role of family support; role of sports in psychology to changing medical students attitude to psychiatry; setting up private psychiatric practice to a blueprint for an Indian Nobel Laureate in psychiatry.

The Authors and their Papers

Here are the papers with their authors. Late Alan De Sousa, MD (BPS President 1980-1981) and Avinash De Sousa MD write on, ‘Setting Up Private Practice in Psychiatry’ (p 3). Late Dhanalakshmi De Sousa, MD (BPS President 1981-1982) and Avinash De Sousa MD write on, ‘Indian Womanhood — some psychological concepts’ (p 16). Prakash V. Pradhan, MD (BPS President 1984-1985) writes on, ‘Looking back at the years 1970-1984: A Personal View’ (p 23), while Priyvadan C. Shastri, MD (BPS President 1985-1986) writes on, ‘Child: A Learning Model And A Bidirectional Phenomenon’ (p 31). K. P. Dave, MD (BPS President 1986-1987) looks at, ‘Psychiatry in Mumbai: What can be done to expand services?’ (p 47), while R. R. Patel, MD (BPS President 1987-1988) writes on, ‘Postgraduate Training in Psychiatry in India with Focus on Mumbai’ (p 52). Ravi Abhyankar, MD (BPS President 1988-1989) titles his paper, ‘Psychiatric Thoughts in Ancient India’ (p 59), while Manilal Gada, MD (BPS President 1989-1990) deals with, ‘Jaina Religion and Psychiatry’ (p 70). P. D. Lakdawala, MD (BPS President 1993-1994) handles, ‘Doctor Patient Relationship in Psychiatry’ (p 82), while S.R. Parkar, MD (BPS President 1995-1996) talks of, ‘Elderly Mental Health: Needs’ (p 91). Rajesh Parikh, MD (BPS President 1997-1998) believes, ‘In India, Psychiatry has come a long way’ (p 100), while Ravindra M. Kamath, MD (BPS President 1998-1999) turns the focus on, ‘Psychiatry and Law: Past, Present and Future’ (p 105). Ajit Dandekar (BPS President 1999-2000) talks of the need for ‘Support System for the Mental Health Professionals’ (p 114), while Manoj Bhatawdekar, MD (BPS President 2002-2003) looks at, ‘Modern Parenthood through the Eyes of a Psychiatrist’ (p 125). Nilesh Shah, MD (BPS President 2003-2004) and Avinash De Sousa, MD exhort to, ‘Invest in family’ (p 134), while Yusuf Matcheswalla MD (BPS President 2006-07) and Avinash De Sousa MD delve on, ‘Crime and Psychiatry’ (p 143). Rajendra Barve, MD (BPS President 2007-2008) presents his take on, ‘Mind: Explore the Space Inside’ (p 150), while Henal R. Shah, MD (BPS President 2010-2011) talks of, ‘The role of a Psychiatric Society: Aligning our aims to needs of the Community’ (p 156). Rakesh Ghildiyal, MD (BPS President 2011-2012) looks at the, ‘Role of Sports in the Development of an Individual and Role of Psychology in Sports’ (p 165), while Sanjay V. Bagadia, MD (BPS President 2012-2013) turns the lens on, ‘Mumbai Psychiatry: Current Obstacles’ (p 171). Ajita Nayak, MD (BPS President 2013-2014) seeks to find ways for, ‘Changing Medical Students’ Attitudes to Psychiatry through newer Teaching Techniques’ (p 180), while Ajai R. Singh, MD (BPS President 2014-2015) presents the, ‘Blueprint for an Indian Nobel Laureate in Psychiatry’ (p 187).

All in all, it’s a varied, stimulating fare. The Mens Sana Monographs is happy to place this volume before you.

Happy Reading.


CITATION: Singh A R, Singh S A. Preface: BPS Presidential Addresses. Mens Sana Monogr 2015;13:1-2.

Articles from Mens Sana Monographs are provided here courtesy of Wolters Kluwer — Medknow Publications