Teaching: U.G. and P.G. students (Medical), Nursing students (K.E.M.), Social Work Students (T.I.S.S.), Nursing Students (S.N.D.T.), Doctors (G.P.Assn.), P.G. students’ clinics (Free) in his consulting rooms, P. G. examinations at various universities.
Research work: Mostly in Psychopharmacology. Collaborative work with Pharma Dept. and various Pharmaceutical companies. WHO Fellowship to visit USA 1976 and Sweden 1978. More than 100 Publications. Also work on Ayurvedic Drugs.
Attachments to other Welfare Organizations: H.N. Hospital – P.T. Clinic, Shushrusha Co-op Hospital, Nagpada Neighbourhood House- Child Guidance Clinic., B.G. Rescue Home –C.G.C., Bapnu Ghar Organization for Women.
Achievements: He had excellent organizational ability and management skills and was a very efficient administrator. People called him Bhishma Pitamaha of Indian Psychiatric Society.
Bombay Psychiatric Society: Secretary in 70’s; President – 1977-78. I.P.S. West Zone: Secretary -1971-78; President –1982-83. General Secretary, Indian Psychiatric Society -1981-86; President I.P.S., 1988, at Varanasi. Indian Association of Social Psychiatry: Council member; President: 1993-94. Indian Association of Child and Adolescent Mental Health : Founder member; President -1997. Indian Association of Industrial Psychiatry: Founder member, President. Indian Association of Suicidology: Founder member, President.
- Invited by Lions Club International Dist. 323A as an Advisor for World Conference on Drug Awareness Hope 88, and subsequently too.
- Since he was Fellow of The Royal College of Psychiatrists he was able to sponsor more than 100 students to U.K. on ODTS and Double Sponsorship Scheme.
- Being an excellent clinician, and due to his persistence and hard work for alcohol and drugs dependent patients, K.E.M. Hospital got the Deaddiction Centre of Excellence in 90’s.
- His book- Hand Book of Psychiatry coauthored with Ms. Hema Shah, is the first book on Psychiatry written by an Indian author and is popular with undergraduate medical students, nurses and other paramedical students. It has undergone more than ten editions.
Awards :
- He got the best paper award in 1974 at the West Zone Conference of I.P.S.
- He got the highest I.P.S award at Bhubhaneshwar Conference- Dr. D.L.N. Murti Rao Oration which was delivered on the subject-Forensic Psychiatry.
- He was given Drishti Gaurav Puraskar on World Sight Day- 11th Oct 2001 by Lions Club International Dist 323A2.
- Finally, he has been awarded Dr. V.N. Bagadia Life time Achievement Award in 2004, just before he expired.
Awards instituted in his name :
- Dr L.P Shah best paper award at B.P.S.
- Dr L.P.Shah oration at W.Z.I.P.S.
- Dr Marfatia Award for best paper at Indian Association of Child and Adolescent Mental Health.