Authors must check authenticity of references and other facts quoted before submission. They must specially check that all references in text are included in reference list and vice versa. [In other words, carefully cross check that every reference cited in text is in the reference list, and every reference in the reference list is cited in the text.] Do not prepare a separate bibliography or Internet citation list. They should be incorporated, if at all, in the reference list itself, and only if quoted in the text.
Modification in Referencing Format from MSM 2012
At Mens Sana Monographs (MSM), we have been using the modified Harvard referencing system until 2011. Most biomedical journals use the Vancouver system.
Both systems have their plus points and their drawbacks.
We have decided to modify our referencing system from 2012 to incorporate the best of both.
We shall continue to have authors’ names with year in the text, but will add a number, which matches that number in the reference list alphabetically arranged at the end of the paper. Also, the individual citation in the reference list will be modified to make it easy for PubMed to pick up and also for our Webmaster to establish links at html pages of respective articles.
In a nutshell,
As before, we shall continue to have authors’ surnames in the text, but will now change to add numbers along with it, for instance, for one name (Fulford, 20116); for two names (Singh and Singh, 201121); and for more than two names (Drubach et al., 20118).
These numbers in superscript must correspond to the number of the individual reference in the reference list at the end of the paper.
Reference list should continue to be arranged in alphabetical order.
Reference style for individual references of journal articles should be changed as follows:
- For Journal articles in general:Giussani DA. The vulnerable developing brain. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2011;108:2641-2.
- For Books in general:Andreasen N.C. The Creating Brain: The Neuroscience of Genius. New York and Washington DC: Dana Press; 2005.
Further referencing details are as follows:
For References of Same Author in One Year
For two or more references from the same author/authors in the same year, (a) and (b) maybe used after the year of publication. For example:
Woodruff T. Letters: The medical profession and the pharmaceutical industry: when will we open our eyes? eMJA 2004a;18:458-9.
Woodruff T. Pharmaceutical marketing, the PBS, and patient care. New Doct 2004b;81:21-2.
For Editorials
Angell M. Is Academic Medicine for Sale? (Editorial). N Engl J Med 2000;342:1516-8.
For Papers:
- 3.a.For a single author:Schafer A. Biomedical conflicts of interest: A defence of the sequestration thesis-learning from the cases of Nancy Olivieri and David Healy. J Med Ethics 2004;30:8-24.
- 3.b.For more than one author [all names preferred; et al may be used only after naming 6 authors]:Phillips B, Nylander K, Harnaha J, Machen J, Lakomy R, Styche A, Gillis K, Brown L, Lafreniere D, Gallo M, Knox J, Hogeland K, Trucco M, Giannoukakis N. A microsphere-based vaccine prevents and reverses new-onset autoimmune diabetes. Diabetes. 2008;57(6):1544-55.OrPhillips B, Nylander K, Harnaha J, Machen J, Lakomy R, Styche A, et al. A microsphere-based vaccine prevents and reverses new-onset autoimmune diabetes. Diabetes 2008;57:1544-55.
- 3.a.
For Books and Monographs:
- 4.a.Reference of a book:Baars B. A Cognitive Theory of Consciousness. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press; 1988.
- 4.b.Reference of a monograph series:ii) Singh AR, Singh SA. Medical Practice, Psychiatry and the Pharmaceutical Industry: And Ever the Trio shall Meet-I: The Connection between Academia and Industry. Mens Sana Monogr 2005;II(6):5-35.
- 4.c.Where a book chapter is referenced:Dulany DE. Psychology and the study of consciousness. In: Bayne T, Cleeremans A, Wilken P, editors. The Oxford Companion to Consciousness. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press; 2009. p. 540-4.
- 4.d.Where an encyclopedia entry is referenced:Shaffer J. Mind-Body Problem. In: Edwards P, editor. The Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Vol 5 & 6. New York: Macmillan; 1972. p. 343.
- 4.e.Where a book in translated:Heidegger M. In: Being and Time (Sein und Zeit) Macquarrie J, Robinson E, translators. New York: Harper and Row; 1927/1962.
- 4.f.Where an older book is republished:Heidegger M. In: Being and Time (Sein und Zeit) Macquarrie J, Robinson E, translators. New York: Harper and Row; 1927/1962.
- 4.g.Where a book has been edited:Flew A, editor. A Dictionary of Philosophy. London: Pan Books in association with The Macmillan Press; 1983.
- 4.hWhere a book has been edited by someone other than the author:Hume D. In: A Treatise of Human Nature. Selby-Bigge L, editor. Oxford: Oxford University Press; 1739/1888.
- 4.i.Where a book has been published by two publishers:Flew A, editor. A Dictionary of Philosophy. London: Pan Books in association with The Macmillan Press; 1983.
- 4.j.Where a book is published by one but reprinted by another:James W. The Principles of Psychology. Ch 9. Vol. 2. New York: Henry Holt; 1890/1999. Reprinted Bristol: Thoemmes Press; 1999.
- 4.a.
For Web References:
Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy. 2010. Available at: [Last accessed on 2011 Dec 26]
For News Paper/Magazine Articles/News Agency/Channels with URLs:
- 6.a.Newspaper/Magazine:Sharma S. Don’t blame superbug on India, it’s everywhere. Hindustan Times. 2010, 13 August. Available at: [Last accessed on 2011 Jan 13].
- 6.b.News agency:Indo-Asian News Service, (2010), Linking India to superbug unfair and wrong, says India. Hindustan Times. 12 August. Available at: [Last accessed on 2011 Jan 13].
- 6.c.News channel:Pandey G. India rejects UK scientists’ ‘superbug’ claim. BBC News. 2010, 12 August. Available at: [Last accessed on 2011 Jan 13].
- 6.a.
Personal communications:
Personal communication may not ordinarily be quoted as a reference. If at all done, it should be with the written permission of the communicator.
MSM Style of Referencing
Therefore, now the reference style is Harvard–Vancouver [modified as per MSM].
This style, let’s call it the MSM Style, incorporates the number and individual citation of the Vancouver System [both help in web referencing], while it incorporates the authors’ names/year in text and alphabetical order in reference list from the Harvard System [helping in article/reference list browsing and critical/analytical study of text].
Someday, hopefully, other journals may realize the usefulness of this change and accept it for their journals.
All other author guidelines are as per
Template for MSM Submissions at;year=2011;volume=9;issue=1;spage=320;epage=323;aulast=Singh
Instructions to contributors at
Hope you find the clarification useful.
Best wishes.
Ajai Singh
Editor, Mens Sana Monographs
26 Dec 2011
CITATION: Singh AR. Referencing Modification in Mens Sana Monographs from 2012. Mens Sana Monogr 2012; 10: 184-8.