Mens Sana Monographs 

A Monongraph Series Devoted To The Understanding of Medicine, Mental Health, Mind , Man And Their Maxtrix 

Teasing And Repartee Between Those in Love

Citation : Singh AR (2023) Teasing And Repartee Between Those in Love.In :Ghalib, Psychology and Human Behaviour - 1 (A.R Singh and S.A Singh Eds), Mens Sana Monogr; 42-43

کہتے ہو نہ دیں گے ہم دل اگر پڑا پایا

دل کہاں کہ گم کیجے ہم نے مدعا پایا


कहते हो न देंगे हम दिल अगर पड़ा पाया

दिल कहाँ कि गुम कीजे हम ने मुद्दआ’ पाया


kahte ho na de.nge ham dil agar pa.Daa paayaa

dil kahaa.n ki gum kiije ham ne mudda.aa paayaa

(DG 4:1:13)


You say you won’t return my heart if you found it.
I have now understood where to lose my heart.

In a moment of flirting, the beloved says, ‘Be careful. You say you will lose your heart. If I happen to find it, I won’t return it’.
To this the beloved answers nonchalantly, ‘Superb. In fact that’s very good. I now have no cause for worry. I will just lose it where you can easily find it’.
Such teasing and repartee are the essence of fun talk in love.