Citation : Singh AR (2023) The Snares Of Lfe, And The Making Of A Pearl.In :Ghalib, Psychology and Human Behaviour - 1 (A.R Singh and S.A Singh Eds), Mens Sana Monogr; 50-51
دام ہر موج میں ہے حلقۂ صد کام نہنگ
دیکھیں کیا گزرے ہے قطرے پہ گہر ہوتے تک
दाम-ए-हर-मौज में है हल्क़ा-ए-सद-काम-ए-निहंग
देखें क्या गुज़रे है क़तरे पे गुहर होते तक
daam-e-har-mauj me.n hai
dekhe.n kyaa guzre hai qatre pe guhar hote tak
(DG 79,2:476)
In the curl of every wave are the gaping mouths of a hundred crocodiles
Let’s see what a drop undergoes before it turns into a pearl.
At every step of existence, there are waves that just sweep you away. That is, sway you from your goals. Also, in each such wave, there are a hundred crocodiles with gaping mouths to swallow you. These are people who exploit you, who will just gobble you up. Just think of a drop that falls from above. A number of such drops are gobbled up by the crocodiles in the waves below. Only a few bypass them to become pearls. For example, think of the struggles of an individual before she/he becomes a star. The numerous attempts to gobble them up, to exploit and manipulate them, especially if they are females. And yet, if one can bypass them, then, and then alone, is stardom achieved. Such crocodiles and waves are there in every one’s life. They are ready to exploite and way lay you. If you want to be a pearl, be well aware they exist. But develop the skills to by pass them. Equally, never try to use them to your advantage. Many who have tried it, didn’t even realise when they were just gobbled up.